Tuesday, September 13, 2016


              On 9/7/2016, my partner and I looked at the previous work of the track and understood the problem that the previous manufacturing team had faced. We found that the main problem was that the radii of the curved aluminum at the four corners of the track were not equally shaped which makes the bogie stuck or fall during the test run.

              We noted down key information such as where the previous team bent the aluminum, what machines they used and what company they contacted. We talked to Dr. Furman and got some useful contact information that we can ask for help.

              Our next step is to contact these people and companies provided by Dr. Furman to get more information about how the aluminum should be worked. After this, we will either get in touch with the track improvement team and see how they design the tracks, or try to get the tracks from previous semester back to work.   

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